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Meet the Chefs


Chef Thomas Keller and Sebastien Rouxel will be at Williams-Sonoma South Coast Plaza today at 6 p.m. signing copies of their latest book “Bouchon Bakery.” Expect long lines starting at 6 p.m. and you must reserve your copy while supplies last.

The book is filled with Keller’s favorite recipes for American and French baked goods including TKOs and Oh Ohs (Keller's version of Oreos and Hostess's Ho Hos) and French classics like baguettes, macarons, mille-feuilles, and tartes aux fruits.

Williams-Sonoma South Coast Plaza is at South Coast Plaza. 714.751.1166


Feel Good Fest


Want to feel good this holiday season?  Festival of Children Foundation and The Happiness Project are planning a Christmas party for less fortunate kids in Orange County that they won’t forget. And you can help out by sponsoring a child for $125. The Sharing the Spirit Holiday Party on Friday, Dec. 14 from 9 p.m. to midnight at South Coast Plaza will give local shelter and motel kids a dream holiday experience, in what could be a difficult holiday season. The event will include food, activities, gifts and games. Children can visit with Santa Claus and receive an age and gender appropriate gift bag full of toys, school supplies, gift cards and clothes/shoes.

The goal is to give 500 underprivileged kids a magical Christmas experience.

A donation of $125 per child provides: A gift bag stuffed with toys, clothes, toiletries and school supplies, and an opportunity to visit and have a photo taken with Santa Claus, holiday crafts, activities and food and transportation to and from South Coast Plaza.

For more information on how to donate visit [url=][/url]

Santa’s Village at South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa. 714.438.3247

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